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VA - Rockin' Country Style Vol.3

型番(レーベル) ・Classics
販売価格 2,800円(内税)
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    CD NEW
    スウェーデンのレーベル"Classics"よりリリース!!そのタイトルどうりRockin' なCountry / Hillbilly作品を集めた編集盤Vol.3!!Rockabillyファンにもオススメです!!。詳しい解説やレアな写真満載のライナーも必見です。
    1 I Know Why - Billy Clark 2 So Called Friends - Billy Barnoski And Bill Woods 3 Over At Uncle Joe's - Cowboy Slim Dortch 4 Cajun Doll - Lattie Moore 5 Willadean - Jimmy Louis With The Country Swingsters 6 She Loves Me Better - Riley Crabtree 7 Around The Town - Joe Hudgins 8 The Blues You Gave - Paul Wilson 9 The Things You Think I Do - Ray Lynn 10 Free As A Breeze - Carmol Taylor 11 Corina - Kenny Biggs 12 Go Away - Little Donnie Lane 13 To Many Faults - Ray Orr 14 Hard Hard Times - hal Smith 15 Moonlight And Stardust - Slim Willet 16 Red Cadillac - Arlon Sweet 17 Just A Cheater - Paul And Larry 18 Shrimpin' - Tony Douglas 19 Once Again Baby - Kenny Biggs 20 The Corner Of Love - Ken Lightner And The Hay Riders 21 Big City - Archie Poe & His Rim Rock Boys 22 Seven Years - Bill Carter 23 Don't Cry Little Darling - The Carpenter Bros 24 Worry Worry Worry - Harry Snyder 25 Grown-Ups Sometime Cry - Rem Wall 26 Stoney Mountain - Bobby Brown 27 Servant Of Love - Van Brothers 28 Indian Giver  ( With Your Love ) - Skip Graves 29 Love Ain't Nothing But Sorrow - Malon Hurst 30 Napanee - Pete Pike ;