Terry Wayne - Dinosaur Cavern, Jimmy Lawson - C B Chant, John Riggs - Big Old Pussycat, Eddie Mobley - Cancer Stick, Von Coffman - A Place Called Misery, Glenn White - Scalping Knife, Smokey Stover - On The Warpath, Hal Keeter - Tony The Tiny Texan, Curley Henson - Wichita Nell, Little Randy - He Gave Me A Hand After All, Dan Price - Who's Gonna Sleep With Me, Jeff Hughes - Our Spaceman Did Come Back, Jean Alford - First Man On The Moon, Tim Adams Trio - Apollo, Gene Hall - Monkey On The Moon, Ginny Millay - I Saw A Flying Saucer, Mike Yager - The Invader, Chuck Robbins - U.F.O Go Away, Red Tuck - Power Line Man, Buck Carney & Buz Whittica - Tiger, Little Randy - I'd Rather Be Holy Than Whole, Al Dean - Hangman , Hoyle Miller - Twelve Years On Death Row, Lonesome Johnny - Death Row, Steve Davis - Lifetimer, Craig Brown - Cell Walls, Jimmie Lee - The Gunman, Steve Davis - Cottage 3-0-12, Billy Stolz - Machine Gun Molly, Sgt, Jim Euel - Clay Hay, Gil Trythall - Nashville Moog