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VA - Chick Chick

型番(レーベル) ・Buffalo Bop
販売価格 2,380円(内税)
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    CD NEW
    定番からレア&オブスキュアな作品までを収録し、コアなロカビリーファンから絶大な支持を受けるドイツの"バッファローバップ"シリーズ!2007年リリース!!Kiler ロカビリー Boper "Junior Dean and the Avalons - Chick Chick"やモダンロカビリーグループにもカバー作の多い"Kenny Owen - I Got The Bug"など収録!!
    1. Junior Dean and the Avalons - Chick Chick 2. Steve Bledsoe - Dumb Dumb Bunny 3. Kenny Owen - I Got The Bug 4. Jimmy Crain - Rock-A Sock-A Hop 5. Floyd Henderson - Nosy Rosy 6. R. Dean Taylor - At The High School Dance 7. Bobby Lawson - If You Want My Love 8. Kip Tyler - She Got Eyes 9. Bill Ennis - I'm Hypnotized 10. Rich Miller - What-Cha Gonna Say 11. Bobby Lawson - Baby Don't Be That Way 12. Billy Wayne and the Torches - Coming Home 13. The Raging Storms - The Dribble (Twist) 14. Jimmy Ford - Gotta Gal 15. Willie Ward & The Warblers - Iggy Joe 16. Doug Warren - Around Midnight 17. Don Winters - Pretty Moon 18. Denny Noie and the Catalinas - It Ain't A Big Thing 19. Donnie Nix - Ain't About To Go Home 20. The Duals - Wait Up Baby 21. Oliver Cool - Nobody Can, Like Jo-Anne Can 22. Johnny Carlton - She's A Moonlighter 23. Ronnie Haig - Money Is A Thing Of The Past 24. Ernie Daro - Rock Tonight 25. Roy Clark - Please Mr. Mayor 26. Johnny Fraser - Rock With The Mambo 27. Vinni Vincent - Hey! Cobella 28. Lewis Weber - Queen Of Rock 'N' Roll 29. John Shur - I Got Caught In The Washing machine 30. Oliver Cool - The Scram