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Cliff Richard - The Rocking Years 1959 - 60 Vol.2

型番(レーベル) Smith & Co
販売価格 2,380円(内税)
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    2枚組みCD NEW
    "Move It"など数多くのヒットを持つイギリスのR&Rスター"クリフリチャード"!!全盛期とも言える59年60年のRockin'なナンバーばかりを収録した2枚組の編集盤!!
    CD 1: 1. Nine times out of ten, 2. Gee whizz it's you, 3. Choppin' 'n' changin', 4. She's gone, 5. Willie and the handjive, 6. Fall in love with you, 7. Flamp of love, 8. Please don't tease, 9. Don't be mad at me, 10. I'm gonna get you, 11. D' in love, 12. Evergreen tree, 13. I love you, 14. I cannot find a true love, 15. Where is my heart, 16. Thinking of our love, 17. Working after school, 18. Tell me, 19. I love you so, 20. You and I, 21. You're just the one to do it, 22. I'm willing to learn, 23. We have it made, 24. I don't know, 25. Left out again CD 2: 1. I'm gonna get you, 2. You and I, 3. I cannot find a true love, 4. Evergreen tree, 5. She's gone, 6. Left out again, 7. You're just the one to do it, 8. Lamp of love, 9. Choppin' 'n' changin', 10. We have it made, 11. Tell me, 12. Gee whizz it's you, 13. I love you so, 14. I'm willing to learn, 15. I don't know, 16. Working after school, 17. A voice in the wilderness, 18. Bongo blues, 19. Love, 20. A voice in the wilderness, 21. The shrine on the second floor, 22. Cliff's personal message to you