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VA - Greasy R&R Vol.1&2

型番(レーベル) ・Blakey
販売価格 1,400円(内税)
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    中古CD-R VG+ / VG+
    "Desperate Rock'n'Roll"シリーズと同じくRockabillyを中心にRock'n'RollやRockin' Bluesも織り交ぜたUKのクラブ感覚満載な選曲でRockabilly系ファンはもちろん50'sやRock'n'Rollファンにも絶大な支持をうける人気シリーズで、UK Beat グループも多く収録されているのが特徴です。アナログも今じゃなかなか見かけない1 & 2を一つにした2 In 1で、Wild &サヴェージなKiller Rockabilly / R&R が満載に収録してあります。レアな”Bo Diddley - Rock'n'Roll”は,なかなか他でな聴けません。!! Great!
    Bo Diddley - Rock 'n' Roll / Bobby Lawson - If You Want My Love / The Altecs - Gorilla Hunt / Burt Blanca - Long Black Jacket / Tony Dangerfield - She's Too Way Out / The Royaltones - Little Bo / Jimmy Lee Maslon - Please Give Me Something / The Rockateens - Dance To The Bop / The Strangerloves - I'm On Fire / Billy Dee - Baby You're Mine / Sonny Terry - I Love You Baby / Jim Gunner - Fooloose / Lue Cazz - The Walk / The Viscounts - Dig / Joey Paige - Roll Over Beethoven / Micky Most - That's Alright / Lou Josie - Breezin' Out / The Sidewinders - Jaguar / Joe South - I'm Snowed / Al Sweat - I Hate Myself / The Upsetters - Where You're Going Sapphire / The Rave-Ons - Honey Honey Honey / The Zaks - What Kinda Man / The Atantics - Bombora / Timmie Rogers - Take Me To Your Leader / Buddy Love - Heartbreak Hotel / Al Ferrier - Love Me Baby / Walter Jacobs - Crazy Legs / Guess Who - Shakin' All Over / Rick Reason - Feel So Bad / Doctor Ross - Turkey Leg Woman / The Velaires - Ubangi Stomp